Use global defaults

Javascript part

let pgn = "1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 (2. f4 d5 3. exd5 e4) 2... Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6";
    const PgnBaseDefaults = { locale: 'fr', width: '400px', pieceStyle: 'alpha' }
    PGNV.pgnView('board1', { pgn: pgn});
    PGNV.pgnView('board2', {pgn: pgn, locale: 'de'});
    PGNV.pgnView('board3', {pgn: pgn, locale: 'en', pieceStyle: 'merida'});
    PGNV.pgnView('board4', {pgn: pgn, width: '300px'});

HTML part

<div id="board1"></div><div id="board2"></div><div id="board3"></div><div id="board4"></div>

See the back link to the original examples page.

Define global defaults for all usages on one page, and override some of them locally. Be aware that this only works in the generated link New Window